Quilter's JEM 100/100 Club - Week 8
Hello friends!
This week we start the Triangles chapter! You might notice that there is a "read this first" section, and it is kind of important to take a look at it. The main thing to remember for this chapter is that when she has you draw a line from corner to corner to make an HST, you will be sewing ON the line, not to either side of it as many of us are used to doing. This does mean you will have some waste triangles, but those can be sewn together for a bonus HST! When I draw my corner to corner line I also draw a line half an inch away for my bonus HST:
On to our first Triangles blocks!
Block 36 places a small HST off center in a frame.
Block 37 does the same thing as block 36, but the HST is larger and centered this time around. (This is one of my favorite color combinations in my blocks!) (A note on the bug: I'm using a bundle of Rashida Coleman-Hale's collection Raindrop, which was put out by Cotton+Steel maybe three years ago, and was inspired by Japan's June/July rainy season. The cicada is a symbol of summer in Japan, even making appearances in literature as far back as The Tale of Gengi!)
I like to think of Block 38 as the mountains+sky block. I think it would make a beautiful border block! I would also like to note this is one of the few blocks that came out a perfect 6.5" for me (usually I have one side that is 1/8" too big or too small).
Block 39 is a neat little optical illusion and a great fussy cutting opportunity if you have a larger scale print.
Block 40 takes that optical illusion cube from block 39, shrinks it and quadruples it! This one has a lot of pieces. But the end result is pretty cool.
Enjoy the triangles! Happy sewing!
~ Quilter's JEM