Quilter's JEM Summer Moon Quilt-Along - Week 1
Quilter's JEM Summer Moon Quilt-Along 2019-2020
#summermoonquilt #quiltersjem #QJsummermoonQAL

#summermoonquilt #quiltersjem #QJsummermoonQAL

Are you ready to begin our Summer Moon adventure?! You'll need your book, a stack of fabrics you love, and all your usual sewing tools. As we go along, I'll let you know about special tools that make the blocks easier or more accurate to sew! Speaking of accuracy...some of these blocks are small, so you will want to test your scant 1/4" seam for accuracy before you begin. With the smaller blocks, you will probably also want to press seams open and consider giving your fabric a shot of Best Press to keep small pieces from wiggling!
The block we start with is the Album Block, and we'll be making one each of the 5", 6.5", and 8" blocks. I like to cut all three blocks at once, but if you prefer to cut a block, sew it, then cut the next one, then do it that way. There's no one right way!
You will want to use the method you like best for keeping your pieces together for each block. Some people like the Lori Holt design boards, some use paper plates, some use sandwich baggies, but I prefer to use Glad press-and-seal wrap - I can write on it with a Sharpie, too, so I don't forget which block is which!
For the Album block, Carrie Nelson has you construct a bigger block, and then trim it down. The version of the Album Block also uses rectangles rather than the version with all squares you might be more familiar with. Even in this different construction, the key to making this block dynamic is SCRAPPY - don't worry too much about whether the fabrics go together perfectly. A surprising color in the mix can really make this block sing!

I hope you will post a photo of your blocks on Instagram (IG), and use the hashtags above so we can find and love your photos! Next week: Churn Dash! Until then, happy sewing!
~ Quilter's JEM