Quilter's JEM Summer Moon Quilt-Along - Week 3 - Fool's Puzzle
Quilter's JEM Summer Moon Quilt-Along 2019-2020
#summermoonquilt #quiltersjem #QJsummermoonQAL

#summermoonquilt #quiltersjem #QJsummermoonQAL

This week we're making the Fool's Puzzle blocks (p26), and as usual we're making it in three sizes. The Fool's Puzzle gives you a couple options for fabric choices. You'll use your background and three prints. The prints can be all different colors and values for a very scrappy look, or you can use two prints that are similar in value and color for the central on-point squares and a different color for the outside triangles for a more planned look.

The building blocks of Fool's Puzzle are flying geese units and hourglass units. In the Summer Moon book, Carrie Nelson has you make the hourglass units from cut triangles. This means you are sewing bias edges, so you will want to give those pieces a bit of starch.
Or, if you'd rather not deal with the bias edges, you can make your hourglasses from larger squares, as in this tutorial here. If you use this method, you'll want to cut your starting squares 1.5" larger than you want the finished size hourglasses to be (see p27 for theses sizes), and then trim down.
Enjoy your sewing time!
~ Quilter's JEM